For Lady

     Either the Venice airport was a goldmine for funny signs or we just spent enough time there to notice all the typos. We were there for longer than we would've liked.
     While we waited for our water taxi to take us to our hotel, we made a bathroom trip. Airport bathrooms are pretty nice in the United States, but in Europe they're even fancier. We're talking floor to ceiling length door, door handles with protective disposable wraps, and like six different options for flushing.
     While I was in the bathroom, though, I noticed something a little odd about the trash can. On top of the trash can was a few words obviously meant to clarify its purpose.
     In case you, a lady, using the lady's restroom, surrounded by other ladies, forgot. This trash can is for you! (Side note: I wonder if the trash can in the men's bathroom says"for man.")
     But wait, there's more! The trash can isn't for ladies, plural. It isn't for the use of multiple ladies using the restroom throughout the day. No, no, this trash can is only for a lady, singular. One. Which begs the question, who is the chosen lady this trash can for whom this trash can was designed? The picture on the front sure doesn't look like any lady I know and it definitely doesn't look like me.
     I'm just glad I didn't have anything to throw away. Because that's a lot of pressure, to be the "for lady" lady. 
     All this confusion and hilarity in a bathroom trash can sign?
     Welcome to the English language.
